801racing, Advanced Fuel Catalyst AFC, AFC, AFC Advance Fuel Catalyst, better combustion, ds600i, ds700i, FBC, Ferox Fuel Tabs, Fuel Borne Catalyst, Fuel Catalyst, Fuel Catalyst Technology

PRESS RELEASE Rennsli Corp Severs Ties With Triformx, Xcelerate, and Dan Maltais

Orem, Utah – October 13, 2023 – Rennsli Corp., the manufacturer and supplier of fuel catalyst additives, announced today that it has terminated its relationship with Dan Maltais and his company, Triformx LLC of Lauderdale By The Sea, Florida as of September 23, 2023. Triformx sold Rennsli’s product through a network marketing company called Xcelerate International. As such, neither Triformx nor Xcelerate is authorized to sell Rennsli’s patented fuel additive products, including its Fuel Tabs which are marked with Rennsli’s “X” trademark.

Those wishing to purchase authentic Rennsli products through the network marketing/MLM platform may go to CForth.com which markets Rennsli’s patented formulation under its Blaze Ecotech brand at stoplightgo.com.

To purchase Ferox products directly from Rennsli, contact Rennsli directly through info@rennsli.com.

The public is warned against purchasing of knock-off fuel tablets sold by a variety of unscrupulous operators. Authentic Rennsli product can be identified by the “X” or “R” logos on the tablets. Questions regarding authenticity may be directed to Rennsli under the “Contact Us” tab on its website at Rennsli.com.

About Rennsli: Rennsli’s solid fuel additive products are protected under U.S. Patent No. 7,959,693 entitled “Combustion Catalyst Carriers and Method of Using Same” invented by Wes Parish, Ph.D. and Michael Thompson, Ph.D. of Parish Chemical Company and assigned to Rennsli Corp. Rennsli manufacturers sells the FEROX fuel catalyst additive and PULSE POWER BOOST fuel boost catalyst. Rennsli’s patented fuel catalysts were invented and patented by Dr. Wesley Parish, a consultant on solid fuels for military missiles and aerospace rockets. Rennsli’s Advanced Fuel Catalyst Technology is available in liquid or solid form in large volumes for large commercial or industrial clients and governments worldwide.

For more information click the links to see our Press Release:

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